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Edmond Scientific Awarded Patent for NextGen Identity and Authorization Solution

As identity management and authorization technologies evolve, organizations struggle to determine how to modernize and remain interoperable within their business units or across divisions. Implementing or modernizing to newer security protocols and technologies such as SAML, OAuth, OpenID from legacy technologies can render authentication and authorization systems incompatible, and make it difficult to enforce policies uniformly. Migrating to uniform enterprise identity and access management technologies can be disruptive and complex.

Edmond Scientific has developed a complete and comprehensive Identity Management and Authorization solution that can support both legacy and modern applications, and provide a single service for all identity and access management needs across the enterprise. At the core of this resides Edmond’s patented Hybrid Authorization Control System (H-ACS) which integrates and harmonizes, in a single solution, a complete set of identity and authorization management technologies including OAuth, OpenID Connect, User-Managed Authorization (UMA), XACML, and SAML together with the interconnecting protocols and required client-side connectors. This solution enables a hybrid identity and authorization ecosystem in which both traditional and modern services can coexist and interact.  For cross-domain information exchange and interoperability, it enables a continuous security fabric utilizing identity management and authentication mechanisms in any protocol, without the need to convert legacy systems or create joint user directories.

Further information on related Edmond Scientific services may be found in NextGen Authorization Services.